Order releasing the bank accounts/lockers / Demat accounts / mutual fund folios etc. of DDPL Global Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. (DDPL) and Unicorn Infra Projects and Estate Pvt. Ltd. (Unicorn) in compliance with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India issued vide order dated 06.10.2021
Attachment Proceedings no. 2644(3) of 2021 Certificate no. 832 of 2015
- WHEREAS Certificate No. 832 of 2015 dated 11.12.2015 was drawn against PACL Ltd. and its promoters and directors in the matter of PACL Ltd. for recovery of sum of ₹49,100/- crores (Rupees Forty Nine Thousands One Hundred Crores) along with promised returns, in terms of order no.WTM/PS/30/CIS/NRO/AUG/2014 dated August 22, 2014 issued by SEBI.
- associates of PACL including DDPL Global Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.AND WHEREAS under the same certificate, recovery proceedings against 32 (AABCU1621M) were initiated and Notice(s) of Demand dated March 1, 2021 and(AACCD8498G) and Unicorn Infra Projects and Estate Pvt. Ltd.Attachment Notice no. 2644(3) of 2021 dated March 1, 2021 were issued inter aliadirecting to attach the Bank accounts of the aforesaid 32 entities mentioned in the attachment notice. Further, a corrigendum dated March 18, 2021 to Attachment Notice no. 2644(3) of 2021 dated 01.03.2021 was also issued.
- AND WHEREAS, Unicorn and DDPL have challenged the aforesaid attachment proceedings in appeal no. 161 of 2021 – Unicorn Infra Projects and Estate Pvt. Ltd. vs. SEBI and appeal no. 162 of 2021 – DDPL Global Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. vs. SEBI before the Hon’ble Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT). The Hon’ble SAT vide its Order dated 26.03.2021 inter alia directed as under:ter alia directed as under: