Sebi Pacl New Update March 2021 – Sebi Pacl New Notice

Sebi Pacl New Update March 2021 - Sebi Pacl New Notice

The Justice (Retd.) R M Lodha Committee (in the matter of PACL Ltd.)- An overview of efforts made and actions taken. Sebi Pacl New Update March 2021 – Sebi Pacl New Notice


. The Whole Time Member (WTM), SEBI, vide a final order dated 22.08.2014
held that PACL Ltd. had mobilized Rs 49,100 crore from the investors in
violation of provisions of the SEBI – Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)
Regulations and, inter alia, directed PACL to wind up their existing schemes and
refund the monies collected by it along with returns due to the investors as per
the terms of the schemes.
. The order of the WTM, SEBI was challenged before the Securities Appellate
Tribunal (SAT), which upheld the order of SEBI vide an order dated August 12,
. Pursuant to a dismissal of the appeal, SEBI initiated recovery proceedings against
PACL and its promoters/ directors and attached bank/ Demat accounts of the

. In appeals challenging the order dated 12.08.2015 of the SAT, the Hon’ble
Supreme Court vide a detailed order dated February 2, 2016 in C.A.
No.13301/2015 – Subrata Bhattacharya Vs. Securities and Exchange Board of
India and other connected matters, directed SEBI to constitute a Committee
under the Chairmanship of Mr. Justice R M Lodha, former CJI, for disposing of
the lands purchased by PACL so that the sale proceeds can be paid to the
.The CBI was directed to hand over title deeds of properties of the company
attached by it during the investigation conducted by it into the illegal money

Sebi Pacl New Notification

. SEBI constituted a Committee headed by Justice R M Lodha, which is taking
steps for disposal of properties of PACL Ltd.
. Currently the composition of the Committee is as follows:
Mr. Justice R M. Lodha – Chairman
Mr. G Mahalingam, Whole Time Member ,SEBI – Member
Mr. Anand Rajeshwar Baiwar Executive Director,SEBI-Member
Further, Shri. Anindya Kumar Das, General Manager, SEBI is the Nodal Officer
cum Secretary to the Committee.
. On an Application filed by SEBI, the Hon’ble Supreme Court vide an order
dated April 5, 2016 directed that the Committee shall have right (for sale of
properties of PACL) in respect of all properties wherein PACL has a right even
if such properties are situated outside India.
. Further, vide an order dated July 25, 2016, the Hon’ble Supreme Court
restrained PACL, its Directors/ promoters/ agents/ employees/ group or associate
companies from transferring/ alienating any of the properties wherein PACL has
right/ interest situated either within or outside India.

● Public Notices were published in English and regional languages in leading
dailies, bringing to the notice of investors and general public of the constitution
of the Committee and inter-alia cautioning them to retain the original documents
relating to their investment and not to part with or deal with anybody until
further notice in this regard.
● FAQs in English as well as in Hindi and 11 regional languages have been
uploaded on the website of SEBI and displayed on the notice boards in Regional
Offices and Local Offices of SEBI for the information of investors from their
respective regions.
●The Committee engaged the services of Stock Holding Document Management
Service Ltd. (SHDMSL) for scanning title documents, hosting scanned
documents, data entry and physical storage of properties/title documents of
The documents are being kept in safe custody in physical and digitized form by
● In view of the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, as a preventive measure,
on the recommendation of the Committee, SEBI has attached the bank/ demat
accounts of 640 associate companies of PACL.

Sebi Pacl New Update March 2021 – Sebi Pacl New Notice

● The Committee initially decided the procedure to be adopted for the sale of
properties which would include valuation from 2 approved valuers, fixing of
reserve price, opening of escrow /current account for receiving the EMD and
balance consideration after the auction process, eligibility criteria for bidders,
properties to be auctioned on “As is where is basis” and “As is what is basis”,
release of sale notices /advertisements etc.
● The Committee, to ensure a fair and transparent disposal, decided that the sale
thereof would be through “e-auction” mode alone.
● The first auction process did not result in sale of any properties.
● Based on the outcome of the 1st auction the Committee then decided that
properties would be auctioned based on the reserve price and in batches.
● The 2nd auction process started in December 2016, and was completed by May,
● More than 27500 number of properties for which EOI was invited.
● EOI was received in 4103 of properties, however single EOIs and properties in
respect of which objections were received were excluded.
● Auction process was completed for 872 properties,.
● The sale proceeds from 113 properties is approx. Rs. 89 Crore.
● The Committee, submitted a report dated April 11, 2017 to the Hon’ble
Supreme Court giving details of status of sale of properties and proposals
received by the Committee expressing interest in bulk purchase of immovable
● The Committee received a letter dated November 17, 2017 from PACL Ltd.
seeking permission to sell its assets at not less than circle rate and deposit the
amount directly in the account of the Committee.
● An Interim Application dated December 05, 2017 was filed in the Hon’ble
Supreme Court inter-alia, seeking appropriate orders directing PACL Ltd. to
sell its immovable properties and requiring directors of PACL to file an
affidavit setting out the road map for sale of such properties.
● The directors of PACL Ltd. on January 08, 2018 filed an affidavit of
undertaking in Hon’ble Supreme Court with a proposal for disposal of assets.
● The Hon’ble Supreme Court by order dated February 23, 2018 observed that
the sale of the properties can be conducted in terms of the report of the
● In furtherance of the aforesaid order, proposal was invited from PACL Ltd..
● The proposal so received from PACL was placed in the public domain and
counter proposals invited.
● The Committee found that none of the offers including offer of PACL Ltd. have
fulfilled the terms and conditions (viz., EMD, circle rate of property and its
proof, etc.) specified.
● The Committee, thereafter, submitted its report dated August 17, 2018 in the
Hon’ble Supreme Court to facilitate the sale of the properties of PACL.
● Hon’ble Supreme Court, after considering the report dated August 17, 2018 of
the Committee and hearing other parties observed in order dated January 08,
2019 :
“…In our view, it is necessary that the process of conducting the sale of the
properties is properly channelized through a specialized agency… the
Committee may consider appointing one or more specialized agencies for the
said purpose, with reference to different zones or areas. One of the suggestions
which has emerged before this Court is for the appointment of an asset
reconstruction company which has the experience and resources to ensure a
transparent process of sale….”
● The Committee filed a report on February 8, 2019 in the Hon’ble Supreme
Court detailing the steps taken for obtaining approval from RBI for engaging
with ARCs to facilitate in selling the properties.
● The Hon’ble Supreme Court by order dated 12.02.2019 authorised the
Committee to proceed further with respect to sale of properties of PACL by
engaging the services of ARCs as well as exploring other alternatives.
● Thereafter the Committee submitted a report to the Hon’ble Supreme Court in
May 2019 containing therein analysis of offers received from ARCs for
facilitating sale of properties.
● The Hon’ble Supreme Court by an order dated 30.07.2019 left it open to the
Committee to receive further offers and to explore them after duly publishing a
further notice on the SEBI website and further to negotiate with ARCs or nonbanking companies and renowned property concerned to explore alternative
modalities for the sale of PACL properties.
● The Committee submitted a report dated 14.11.2019 to the Hon’ble Supreme
Court with recommendation to sell properties worth Rs.2,000 crores through two
ARCs viz. ARCIL and Prudent ARC.
● The said report and objections thereto were heard by the Hon’ble Supreme Court
and by an order dated 23.01.2020 requested the Committee to finalise and notify
terms and conditions for sale of properties of PACL including the terms and
conditions set out in the said order and to submit its report after the conclusion of
the above process.
● The Committee accordingly, finalised terms and conditions and issued a public
notice on 06.02.2020, Inviting Expression of Interest (EOIs).
● The EOIs received were processed and a report dated 05.03.2020 submitted to
the Hon’ble Supreme Court as well as put up on the SEBI website.
● The Committee is currently awaiting orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court on
the above Report and various other Applications.

● The decision of the Committee to start the refund process was communicated to
the public at large vide a Press Release dated January 02,2018 informing the
broad terms of the refund process and the last date for the submission of
● The above process of refund initiated vide Press Release dated January 02, 2018
closed for receipt of applications on March 31, 2018. Consequent thereto, the
verification of claim applications commenced.
● The Committee decided to initiate a second refund process by allowing claim
applications from all the investors of PACL, irrespective of the amount of their
outstanding claim(s) against PACL.
● Pursuant to the above, a web-platform ( has been
developed for the receipt of claim applications from all Investors.
● The Committee issued a press release dated 08.02.2019 regarding
commencement of the refund process.
● The initial deadline for submission of claims was April 30, 2019, which was
extended to July 31, 2019 vide Press Release dated April 26, 2019.
● The Committee has received around 1.5 crores claims and till date a total of Rs
434.9 crores have been paid in respect of 12.63 lakh claim applications.
● The Committee has vide notice dated December 16, 2021, as well as through
SMS messages, intimated Claimants with claims upto Rs.10,000/- to rectify
/make good deficiencies in their claims, on or before March 31, 2021.

Sebi Pacl New Update March 2021 – Sebi Pacl New Notice

● As directed by the Committee, SEBI filed a claim petition before the Federal
Court, Australia seeking the assets acquired out of money diverted by PACL to
Australia or the proceeds thereof.
● The Committee under an order of the Federal Court dated 03.06.2020, has
received an amount of INR 3,69,20,34,883.00 for effecting refund to investors.

● The Committee has realised Rs. 14.64 crore, by auction of 75 vehicles
through e-auction conducted on the platform provided by MSTC Ltd., a
Government of India Enterprise.

●The Committee has realised from PACL and its Associates Rs. 98.45 crores
from FDRs and Rs.308.04 crores lying in their bank accounts.
● The Committee has taken steps to recover compensation payable pertaining to
acquisition of properties of PACL and has since received an amount of Rs.
52,77,597/- from the Collector Land Acquisition, Punjab

PACL  रिफंड लेटेस्ट न्यूज़ 2021 

● The Committee routinely receives complaints from customers/investors of
PACL, which are suitably responded to.
● The Committee has also been receiving numerous objections with respect to the
properties of PACL, and in the first instance commenced hearing and making
recommendations with respect to such objections etc.
● The Committee thereafter recommended the appointment of a retired District
Judge Shri R.S. Virk, to hear and make recommendations with respect to such
● The Hon’ble Supreme Court was pleased to act on the recommendation of the
Committee and appoint Shri R.S. Virk, Retired District Judge and the tenure of
Shri R.S. Virk is being renewed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court from time to
● Shri R.S. Virk, Retired District Judge has been provided an office on the 4th
Floor, Plot No.226, A-2, Sector – 17, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075.
● The recommendations of Shri R.S. Virk, Retired District Judge are being placed
on the SEBI website and it has been made clear that all such recommendations
made required the approval of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

● Various investors of PACL Ltd. have instituted suits for recovery and other
proceedings pertaining to investments /deposits against PACL Ltd., arraying
therein as parties/ Defendants, the Hon’ble Chairman and other Members of the
Committee and/or the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
● On an interim Application (I.A.No.7) being preferred by SEBI, by an order dated
02.05.2016, the Hon’ble Supreme Court was pleased to direct that no Civil Court
or other Authority or Forum shall entertain any suit or other proceeding in
respect of any claim or related matter(s) pertaining to PACL Ltd. and/or its
Directors /Promoters / Group Companies /entities /individuals etc.
● However, various Petitions continue to be filed in various Courts and the
Committee has been taking appropriate measures in this regard.

● The Committee constantly updates information /notifications etc. with respect to
matters related/ connected to PACL Ltd. by a dedicated corner in the SEBI
● Public notices are put up and press releases issued at frequent intervals
/whenever necessary.


PACL – Status Report – Vol I, Vol II, Vol III, Vol IV dated 11.04.2017;

Report of the Committee dated 17.08.2018;

Report of the Committee with respect to action taken pursuant to order dated
08.01.2019 of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 08.02.2019;

Report of the Committee filed pursuant to the order dated 12.02.2019 of the
Hon’ble Supreme Court – Vol I , Vol II, Vol III, Vol IV, Vol V, Vol VI, Vol VII
dated May, 2019;

Interim action taken report of the Committee filed pursuant to order dated
30.07.2019 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 30.08.2019;

Action Taken Report of the Committee filed pursuant to Order dated 30.07.2019
of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and in furtherance of Action Taken
Report filed on 30.08.2019 dated 14.11.2019;

Action Taken Report dated 05.03.2020 filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court
with respect to action taken pursuant to Order dated 23.01.2020 dated
05.03.2020; and

List of Offers dated 18.08.2020, 07.10.2020, 24.12.2020, 21.01.2021 and
(All of the above are available on the SEBI website)

हिंदी में पढ़े :- सेबी पीएसीएल लेटेस्ट अपडेट मार्च 2021

One Comment on “Sebi Pacl New Update March 2021 – Sebi Pacl New Notice”

  1. Sir mera totally amount 2500 5000 5000 10000 20000 20000 aisa 62500 rupees 2009 2010 me agent ke pas dekar jama fixed deposit kiya mere bond ki maturity 2015 2016 me puri huie hai Maine 2019me on line from bhi bhra lekinmere account me ab tak one rupees nahi aaya please help me

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